วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Issue 4774801 Server involved in fraud at


We have discovered an email server on your network that is sending fraudulent
e-mail messages.

The server has the IP address at

This attack targets our customer, Microsoft, website URL  https://www.microsoft.com

We have attached an example fraudulent e-mail demonstrating the e-mail server's
involvement. Please close down this attack as soon as possible.

More information about the detected issue is provided at

Many thanks,


Phone:  +44(0)1225 447500
Fax:  +44(0)1225 448600
Netcraft  Issue Number: 4774801

To contact us about updates regarding this attack, please respond to this email.
Please note: replies to this address will be logged, but aren't always read. If
you believe you have received this email in error, or you require further
support, please contact:  takedown@netcraft.com.

This message follows the Abuse Reporting Format (ARF) so can be processed
automatically. See  http://www.mipassoc.org/arf/  for more information.

